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Hiring A Contract Lawyer? Six Important Considerations Beyond Just The Law

1. Peace of Mind is Priceless:

Being able to sleep better knowing that you have hired a contract lawyer who is honest, compassionate, experienced and committed to advocating for you is something you cannot put a price tag on.

You will know from the first exchange with your contract law attorneys whether this is a team that may be able to help deliver the peace of mind you seek.

2. Time is Money:

While you are not billing your attorney for your time, your time does matter, and it has value. When you work with an attorney who is experienced and proficient in the relevant area(s) of law, your time will be valued and maximized for efficiency.

A good lawyer respects you and would never knowingly do anything to waste your time. As with other important factors, you will likely know from the get-go whether this is a professional firm that recognizes that your time, attention and other personal resources are valuable too.

3. One-Size-Fits-All Usually Doesn’t Fit All:

You will know fairly early on in the process whether you are being treated with personal service or whether you are being viewed as just another client in a long line.

When hiring a contract attorney, it’s important to feel like your case is being viewed in a way that reflects how important the issues are to you personally. details and nuances of your pressing legal issue may very well be the most important matters on your plate right now, and you want a legal team that recognizes and appreciates that. 

4. Relevancy Matters:

This may seem obvious, but when you have a legal issue related to contracts, you will want to make sure that the professional you hire is not only knowledgeable in the law, but in contract law in particular.

You would not see a foot doctor for a heart issue, nor would you focus on hiring someone who does not generally work with contracts when your matter is firmly contract-focused.

Your contract law requirements call for relevant contract expertise and experience, and you should not settle for anything less. 

5. Talk is not Cheap:

While it’s not reasonable to expect constant, never-ending communication from your contract lawyer, it more than reasonable to expect consistent open communication from your team throughout the life of your ongoing issue(s).

The law can be tricky and confusing for the non-legal professional, and a good lawyer will take the time to explain whatever is unclear or seems complicated. The lawyers you work with should not only be communicative, but they should be accessible to you within a reasonable amount of time. 

6. Reputation Makes a Difference: 

When looking to hire a contract law professional, take a little time to look at reviews and learn more about the team’s or the firm’s reputation.

Understand where they shine and what areas might not be in their wheelhouse and then hire accordingly. You’re spending time and money to get qualified professional help on your side…it only makes sense that you will also want to make sure others like you have had good and productive experiences with the same professionals.